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Ac, Aleppo Codex - Keter Aram Tzova
Apt, Aramaic Peshitta Tanakh, Swadaya script, 1852 ed.
Asv, American Standard Version, 1901 ed.
Bhs, Biblia Hebraica Stutgartensia
Bpes, Biblia Peshitta en Español
Ca, Codex Abrosianus
Str, "Complete Jewish Bible", David H. Stern
Dss, Dead Sea Scrolls
ed, edition
Fb, Ferrara Bible (1553) in Ladino
Jos, Josephus
Jps17, Jewish Publication Society, 1917 ed.
Jps55, Jewish Publication Society, 1955 ed.
Jps85, Jewish Publication Society, 1985 ed.
Kc, Khabouris Codex
Kjv, King James Version
Lxx, Septuagint
Mas, Masoretic Hebrew text
mrg, margin, marginal note
ms, mss, manuscript, manuscripts
Nab, New American Bible, 1970 ed.
Nasb, New American Standard Bible
Nit, New Interlinear Translation of the Peshitta, Paul Younan
Njp, New Jerusalem Peshitta Codex (1897) in Judeo-Aramaic
Nrsv, New Revised Standard Version, 1989 ed.
Onk, Targum Onkelos
Pbi, Aramaic Peshitta published by Bible Society in Israel
Tj, Targum Yonatan
Vul, Latin Vulgate

() completes the sense of the text; "he rose (up)"
[] interpolated text - not a part of the original text; "he rose (up) [in the] morning"

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Introductory Articles
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Further Reading & Study

Pshitta Tanakh: The Aramaic Jewish Bible in English (Nusach Beit Shalom)
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